Tag Archives: Orlando Collaborative Divorce Lawyers

Collaborative Divorce and Its Benefits
For families in Orlando who are considering divorce but have concerns about the contentious aspects of a traditional divorce process, you should consider collaborative divorce and its many benefits. As you may know, the state of Florida recently enacted a collaborative law process, which is defined under Fla. Stat. § 61.56 as “a process… Read More »

Using the Collaborative Process to Create Prenuptial Agreement
Couples do not generally get married anticipating divorce, but this possibility is still present, and could justify the creation of a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreements outline which assets a spouse would be entitled to keep or receive, the liabilities each side would agree to assume, and the payment of alimony. While negotiating the terms… Read More »

The Benefits of Collaborative Divorce for Older Couples
Divorce is often associated with younger couples having trouble navigating the responsibilities of family and developing careers. Divorce at this stage in life, while painful, is often relatively straightforward, outside of child custody concerns, since the complexity of assets the spouses own collectively is usually limited. On the other side, couples who weathered decades… Read More »

The Collaborative Process Controls the Costs of Divorce
Divorce brings up a lot of emotional and financial concerns as each spouse figures out how to move on from the marriage. Finances are a particular worry for many couples because, coupled with the necessary adjustments caused by losing income, there is the additional issue of how to pay for the cost of the… Read More »

Collaborative Divorce vs. Mediation: Key Differences
As divorcing couples become more aware of the alternatives to traditional litigation, some are starting to demand options beyond standard divorce settlement negotiations. Especially if children are involved, spouses want more control over the terms of the outcome, and fewer reasons to generate additional negative emotion or obstacles to communication. People are often aware… Read More »

Neutralizing Feuds Through a New Approach to Divorce
The structure of traditional divorce litigation unfailingly puts spouses in fight mode, and often forces them to challenge every demand or request made by the opposing side. As a result, many spouses will emerge from the legal process even more disconnected and set against each other than when they started the divorce. Not only… Read More »

Creating an Effective Parenting Plan During your Collaborative Divorce
If you have chosen to end your marriage through the collaborative divorce process, you are in the driver’s seat when it comes to your divorce. Rather than having the court make the decisions , the people making the decisions regarding the issues in your case are you and your spouse with the guidance and… Read More »

What Can I Do if my Collaborative Divorce is Not Making Progress?
Ideally, a collaborative divorce is a straightforward process through which a divorcing couple determines the terms of their divorce settlement, such as how their assets will be divided and whether one party will receive alimony. Many couples begin this process confident that they will be able to create a mutually-satisfying divorce settlement through collaboration…. Read More »

How Can my Spouse and I Prepare for Our Collaborative Divorce?
If you and your spouse have decided to divorce through the collaborative divorce process, you need to take steps to ensure that you can complete the process smoothly. Collaborative divorce is different from the traditional courtroom divorce method in that it gives the divorcing couple greater control over the process. Rather than having decisions… Read More »

Collaborative “Divorce” for Unmarried Couples
In decades past, most couples’ relationships followed a similar progression pattern: start dating, get engaged, get married, buy a home, then have children. Today, although many couples continue to follow this pattern, it is not unusual to see unmarried couples purchase homes and have children together. Sometimes, these couples marry later and in other… Read More »