Tag Archives: Gray Divorce

How will my Divorce Affect my Adult Children?
Some couples, despite realizing that their marriages are no longer healthy, productive partnerships, put off their divorces until their children are grown, rationalizing that it would be better for their children to grow up with both of their parents in the house, rather than having to split their time between two households. Others only… Read More »
Shades of Gray: When it’s Time to Walk Away
A couple years ago, National Public Radio (NPR) did a revealing report on a trend known as gray divorce. This is what people are calling divorces that happen late in life. As the report illustrated divorce rates among seniors have doubled in the last 20 years. Research between 1990 and 2010 shows that the… Read More »
Diamonds are Forever; Marriage Not So Much
While we have all become quite accustomed to hearing about divorce, people tend to flinch when we talk about a recent phenomenon known as “gray divorce,” or divorces between older adults. No one likes to think about the end of a marriage, much less the end of a long marriage. However, research shows that… Read More »