Tag Archives: Florida Collaborative Divorce

Why Is My Divorce Taking So Long?
When you are in the early stages of your divorce, it might feel as though the divorce process is taking a long time. Many Florida residents who file for divorce want to get through the process quickly, and they want to have their cases settled. However, there are many different issues to deal with… Read More »

How Can I Convince my Spouse that Collaborative Divorce is the Way to Go?
Your goal should not be to “convince” your spouse to agree to a collaborative divorce. Do not think of it as a winning vs. losing proposition where you need to persuade your spouse to your way of thinking – this is not the basis of a healthy collaborative divorce. Rather, you should approach this… Read More »

What Can I Do if my Collaborative Divorce is Not Making Progress?
Ideally, a collaborative divorce is a straightforward process through which a divorcing couple determines the terms of their divorce settlement, such as how their assets will be divided and whether one party will receive alimony. Many couples begin this process confident that they will be able to create a mutually-satisfying divorce settlement through collaboration…. Read More »

How Can my Spouse and I Prepare for Our Collaborative Divorce?
If you and your spouse have decided to divorce through the collaborative divorce process, you need to take steps to ensure that you can complete the process smoothly. Collaborative divorce is different from the traditional courtroom divorce method in that it gives the divorcing couple greater control over the process. Rather than having decisions… Read More »